Monday, March 26, 2012

Almost time.

Hi all.

I really am going to get on here and just post random things. I'm not good at communicating, ask anyone close to me. Knowing that about myself, I need to give up this grand plan I have for blogging with clear direction, instead just write!

This week, so far I am fine. The husband came home for lunch and we chatted a little bit about whether I was going to rearrange our room after he's gone. We talked very matter a fact. We talked finance. Again, very matter a fact. No tears. Later, I did get a bit sad when #5 clung to a pile of the Husbands clean clothes. Why? It always sucks to get to the point where no more of his clothes come through the laundry rotation. It's all been very matter a fact so far.

My sister called me, "steely" in one of her posts. (I love my sister!) That's what made me tear up. I think it's funny that she calls me that because she and anyone that knows me well knows that I can cry with the best of them. I'm already planning out my nice good cry after he's gone. Now if I can only keep to the plan...

Well, I'm going to head off with my "steely" self and go clean the bathrooms and prep dinner.

Monday, May 9, 2011


NEW! Ok, blogging is not new to most people but to me. I'm going to do it and then I'm going to do something else. I'm going to get off FB. Really. I think. Colton came home with a Mother's day fill in the blanks sort of worksheet. When it said, "her favorite thing is ________ ," he had filled in shopping and FB. Ouch. Is that enough confirmation? Isn't there a Bible verse that says, "where your treasure is, your heart will be also." FB should not at all be one of my top treasures. It would be better for my children, better for the housework, better for my spelling and grammar...
So here it is.
I'm working on linking this up to an Etsy site but there is a bit of technical difficulty going on with canceling my old one (that was set up in 2008 and never used) and starting a new one in this new name. I'll have to post my thoughts behind the rootsfirmlyplanted title...eventually.
The goal is to set this up to be a somewhat sporadic journal of my life as a wife, mom, child of God, family member, artsy-putzer (first word I made up so far), and an Army spouse.
I think that is it for now. Off to go find spell check. :)